The University’s strategy aims at strengthening public and corporate engagement with the local community. Huddersfield Business School contributes to this through actively engaging with employers to share the up-to-date skills and diversified knowledge of both staff and students. One of the most accessible ways to achieve this is through our consultancy services. 

We work with a wide range of organisations across all sectors. They include large and small businesses, microbusinesses, charities, government bodies and public sector.


What are the benefits for you of working with us?

Organisations might be looking to grow or innovate or to consolidate an existing business position. Or they might need help with, or advice on, existing ways of working. Or they could be looking to gather and analyse customer data or undertake a competitor analysis. Or it could be something completely different and unique to your business. 

If you don’t have the time or resource to undertake a project of this kind or could perhaps benefit from an external input with expert skills and knowledge, then this could be an ideal way for you to connect and work with us.

Consultancy Routes

Student Consultancy Projects

Our Masters students have the opportunity to work with organisations on business projects such as those suggested above. We match a small group of students to a business with a consultancy brief set by you. The students will bring a mix of skills that apply to your brief and could include those studying Data Analytics, International Marketing, Economics, Logistics and more. The consultancy project includes a presentation and business report with recommendations for your business. Although there is a time commitment, there is no financial cost for you other than covering expenses.

Academic Consultancy

Our academic colleagues are always striving to collaborate with organisations where they can share their wealth of knowledge and expertise. We have worked in fields including: 

  • Accountancy, finance and economics 
  • Logistics, operations, hospitality and marketing 
  • Strategic and people management 
  • International business, entrepreneurship and innovation 



Academic consultancy can be: 

  • A short-term project or something set over a longer timeframe 
  • A project involving an individual academic or a small team 
  • A starting point for further projects and collaborations 

We are sometimes able to access funding that could help financially with your consultancy project.