If you'd like to contact Registry you can email us or call us - you can use one of the email addresses below or you can look through the contact details for our teams.


Useful emails

For any queries about the graduation ceremonies please email graduation@hud.ac.uk.

If you were previously a student and have a query about a transcript or certificate order then please email awards@hud.ac.uk.

If you have a query about the student disciplinary process then please email studentdisciplinary@hud.ac.uk.

If you are a postgraduate researcher you can email us on registryresearch@hud.ac.uk or with a query on your viva on registryvivas@hud.ac.uk


For all enquiries

You can also email us on registry@hud.ac.uk and we'll direct your query for you or you can call us on 01484 957777.