A NEW generation of scientists aiming to make breakthroughs in our understanding of cell biology in diverse fields ranging from stem cell biology to endocytosis in yeast will convene at the University of Huddersfield to discuss their latest research findings.
There will be some 140 delegates at the 15th North of England Cell Biology Forum. The event, sponsored by the British Society for Cell Biology and the Biochemical Society, places the focus on researchers studying for PhDs or who have recently completed their doctorates.
“It differs from other scientific conferences because it is very much aimed at providing a platform for early career researchers and PhD students to be able to present and discuss their research, whereas at a larger and more formal scientific conference, the chances are that it would be their group leader who would be presenting,” said co-organiser Dr Simon Allison, who is a Senior Lecturer in the University of Huddersfield’s School of Applied Sciences.
He explained how he and his colleagues Dr Iain Haslam and Dr Chris Cooper attended the 2017 North of England Cell Biology Forum at the University of Hull and then offered Huddersfield as the next venue. The forum takes place at a different university each year.
During the day, researchers from a wide range of universities – including Leeds, Bradford, York, Sheffield, Hull, Manchester, Liverpool, Newcastle and Lancaster – will hear 16 scientific research presentations and view some 60 posters describing current projects in different fields of cell biology.
There will be themed sessions on protein trafficking, cancer, stem cells and innovative technology such as gene editing, the cell cycle and DNA polymerases. Amongst the 16 oral presenters will be Huddersfield PhD students Hollie Griffiths, Megan Palmer and Carla Asquith.
The 15th North of England Cell Biology Forum takes place on Wednesday 29 August at the University of Huddersfield’s Oastler Building.
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PhD researcher Myria Ioannou, who is funded by the Laura Crane Youth Cancer Trust, writes for Bio-protocol