Paul Newton

Senior Payroll Assistant 

Human Resources Group

Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer

Due to my family history of prostate cancer, I had been having annual checks for signs of prostate cancer for around ten years. At the end of August 2019 after a PSA test, body scan and a biopsy I was diagnosed with prostate cancer. This came as a big shock as I had no symptoms normally associated with prostate cancer, I then had my prostate removed on the 1st of October 2019.

After my operation

Post operation I had the normal issues that come with a prostate operation but felt quite well physically and mentally but late October I started feeling ill which initially I thought was physical but later found out was a mental problem. My sleep started to be affected, I became anxious, depressed, and did not want to see or talk to people. I fell into a bad place mentally as my mind was totally focused on my health and what had happened in the previous months.

Seeking Help

Pre-operation I felt in great health but in the space of two months I went to feeling in the worse health of my life which I found extremely difficult to cope with. My family were supportive and suggested I see a psychologist which helped, and I slowly, very slowly improved. My psychologist was instrumental in this and her suggestion to use mindfulness has really helped me.


I now, as much as I can, live in the moment and enjoy what I am doing. My interests are walking, golf, cricket umpiring, reading, photography and I have realised these are all excellent for mental health. I sit here now writing this blog and know that mental health can improve but it is something that an individual needs to keep working at. I hope by sharing my story I can help others who may be suffering in a similar way.