Visiting Professor Andrew Lockey will discuss the importance of CPR – cardiopulmonary resuscitation – ahead of World Restart A Heart Day when he joins Professor of Nursing Joanne Garside in conversation at a free hybrid event on Wednesday 12 October.

Professor Lockey is President of the Resuscitation Council and a Consultant in Emergency Medicine, and he will be in discussion with Professor Garside at Heritage Quay and online for an hour from 5.00pm.

With fewer than one in 10 people surviving out of hospital cardiac arrests in the UK, Professor Lockey will look at the skills needed to save a life, the importance of widening CPR skills and how the University’s Health and Wellbeing Academy will help.

Those attending in person can get ‘hands on’ and learn CPR from our students.

This free event will follow on from a series of CPR sessions on campus earlier in the day, with World Restart A Heart Day itself taking place later in the week on 16 October.

Booking can be made via Eventbrite.